Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Animal Cell Tour

"Hello everyone! Welcome to Animal Cell Academy! My name is Cassandra and I'll be your campus tour guide today. Try to stay together as campus is usually very busy and we don't want anyone to get lost. No, sweetie, you don't have to hold my hand. Everyone ready? Here we go!"

"Alright, so as you entered building, you would have noticed the beautiful brick walls, The Cell Membrane. You will have noticed that the front doors opened for you, as the cell membrane controls what comes and goes and maintains the shape of our building as well as provides protection from the outside world! The cell membrane was originally discovered by a Mr. E. Gorter and a Mr. F. Grendel in 1925. You also may have noticed our Vesicle outside, the bus, as it serves as our exit transportation system."

"What we're moving through now is the common space, or the Cytoplasm. All organelles of the cell are suspended in the cytoplasm, and students move through it everyday to get to class and what not. Hey, aren't you supposed to be in class? Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't mind them everyone that's just a few of our students, The Ribosomes. Ribosomes are in charge of building proteins much like students are in charge of building up their education. Our students use books, or our Chloroplasts, for information. Ribosomes were discovered sometime in the 1950's by George E. Palade.

"How about a quick joke? Oh come on, I promise it will be funny! Alright, what did the cell say to his sister when she stepped on his toe? Anyone? No? Mitosis!....Get it? Like my toe sis...Nothing? Okay..moving on."

"Over here to your left is our Endoplasmic Reticulum, or one of our classrooms. This is where our students do their work and build their proteins. Oh, hello, Mr. Clean! Everyone, this is Mr. Clean, our janitor, better known as our Lysosome. He does such a wonderful job making sure our academy doesn't have anything lying around that we don't need or want. Keeps this place spic and span!"

"Ma'am that's not a trash can. Please hold on to your trash until the end of the tour. Does anyone know what it's called when cell takes a picture of itself?...No? It's called a cell-fie!...Wow..tough crowd."

"Spanning both sides of our hallways are the student's lockers, our Golgi Apparatus, as they prepare the proteins our students have made for departure. Now, I think I heard someone mention the Mitochondria? You sir? Yes, we do have one, though it's down in the basement as that's where most places keep their generators! It keeps our academy powered and energized so it's always running and the noise could be distracting to our students."

"Sir, this way please. No, you may not go find the basement as it's not on the tour."

"Over here on your right, you'll see our ATP, our supply room. This is where we store everything we may need for future use. No ma'am, I don't think there's a husband in there for you! Such a sense of humor! Moving on, up here on the left is our counselor's office, the workplace of our Centrioles! They're in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly, that students are where they're supposed to be, and that everything is nice and organized! They do a fantastic job and they always have candy!"

"These bathrooms are for students only ma'am. Yes, I am sure. There will be a rest stop at the end of the tour out on the quad."

"Now then. This is our last stop on the tour, the Nucleus, or our main office as it houses everything super important here at the academy. The walls here are the Nuclear Membrane, as they control what comes and goes. The door here is the Nuclear Pore, and inside is our Principal, Mr. Nucleolus. He decides what proteins need to be made to serve the body and what needs to go where. He's the man!"

"Can anyone tell me how the Nucleus escaped from prison?...Through the cell wall!..."You guys have no sense of humor"..Ma'am it was a joke. No person in this academy has ever been to prison, I guarantee it."

"This concludes our tour. Thank you so much for coming to see our beautiful school! Sweetie, don't put your hands on the glass please, thank you. Alright, just step through the Cell Membrane once more and the Vesicle will escort you out of the cell. Thank you again for coming! Sir, that's not a trash can either. Bye bye now!"

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